Robby Gallaty’s parents had finally had enough. His descent into addiction had accelerated to the point where he’d stolen thousands of dollars from his own family. Robby’s mom told him not to call them again until he was ready to look for real help.

“It was tough love from my mom that saved my life. My parents had literally let me extend the rope to the point where I’d gotten to the end of it.”

After living without heat, electricity and an income for months. Robby was finally ready to confront what he’d become.

“I went to my parents, and by God’s grace my two unbelieving parents at the time accepted me back. They took me back in, and I went to rehab.”

And physical transformation was soon accompanied by spiritual transformation.

“I’m in my room, and I remembered how my friend Jeremy told me about Jesus seven years before. Don’t underestimate the power of the Word of God sewn into a hardened heart – that He may bring that to fruition years later. I was the last guy who would ever come to Christ, right?!”

“But God used that word that was sown seven years before to bring it to fruition. And here I was in my room, and I literally thought, ‘I know I need a savior. But Jesus, I’m going to go after You with the same intensity I did to get high! I’m just going to go all in.”

Robby knows it’s not a conventional conversion story, but it was the moment that he saw his purpose so clearly.

“It wasn’t signing a card or walking forward at an altar call. I wanted Him to be Lord of my life, and so I said, ‘Jesus. I’m going all in.’ And that was November 12th, 2002. Fifteen years ago when I had this radical conversion, and the day I got saved I knew I was going into the ministry.”

Robby Gallaty is the Senior Pastor of Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville, Tennessee & authors the new book .

On the Road with Robby Gallaty