The next generation of teens and young adults will have an influence on our culture unlike any previous population group. But are they equipped to lead us into the future? Tim Elmore believes that leadership is within the reach of every young person, because we have the opportunity to redefine leadership.

“Certainly, if you define it in the traditional sense that it’s only the person on top of the org chart, the one that’s got the C.E.O. or president title then yes, not everybody is a leader…maybe 1 in 10 is going to be a leader.”

“But what if we redefined it to say, leadership is simply using our God given influence for a worthwhile cause. We’ll always have influence; we may not be at the top of the flow chart, but we have influence and what if we leverage it in a positive way?”

Tim believes that everyone, regardless of their age, fits into one of two kinds of leadership roles in their lifetime: either a habitual or a situational leader.

“The habitual leaders are the ones that lead out of habits. They’re the gifted leaders; they’re the 1 in 10. Whatever group they are in or whatever team they’re on, they’re going to take over. For example, there are going to take over the kickball team in kindergarten.”

“The rest of us, 85-90% of us are what I call a situational leader. We’re the ones that would say, ‘I’m not really a great leader, but put me in the right situation, one that matches who I am; my strengths, my passions, my gifts, etc., in that one sweet spot I’m really good. I have intuition in that area and I’ve never taken a class on it. I’m comfortable in that area, I’m confident that area, and what’s more – I’m influential in that area.”

Tim reminds us that it’s our job to steer young people in the right direction, and help emerging leaders discover a situation where their passion, gifts, and talents come to life. He shares a helpful example,

“We’ve all seen that proverbial kid that is quiet and maybe they’re a wallflower in the classroom or youth group, then you suddenly put them on the sound board, or you talk about some task and they come alive. You go, ‘what happened to you?’ They found their situation.”

“If we can redefine leadership and just help this emerging generation find that zone, who knows what could happen to the future? Who knows what could happen in companies, churches, health care units and classrooms?”

By redefining leadership, we will help the next generation become the men and women God designed them to be, and equip them to lead us well into the future.

“If we’ve got gifted, situational leaders in the right spot, not trying to go there because that’s where the money is but that’s where their desire and their gifts lie, that could turn the world upside down and that’s what we’re trying to do as we work with students today.”

Tim Elmore began working with students in 1979 and his passion is still investing in the next generation. After working alongside best-selling leadership author John C. Maxwell for more than twenty-five years, he founded Growing Leaders in 2003 to focus solely on creating leadership training events and resources for emerging leaders.

Redefining leadership