A friend of mine just bought a new house with a pool. She has always wanted a backyard pool and is so happy she now has one, but said to me, “This body doesn’t go out in public in a bathing suit—only my backyard sees this!” I had to laugh – but I thought, you know, many of us feel that way. We don’t like our bodies and find ourselves on a perpetual diet.

But is dieting really a good idea? Not really. It sets us up for failure because dieting focuses on what you can’t have.

On this weekend’s show, we are taking a chapter from my book, Lose It For Life and focusing on the down side of dieting. In fact, I think we should make dieting a disorder—Dieting Disorder.

Rather than diet, think about how to incorporate moderation into your lifestyle. Moderation will not lead to weight gain. Balance and moderation are biblical principles that we need to apply to eating and to our relationship with food.

Proverbs 16:32 tells us that moderation is better than muscle and that self-control is better than political power! Strong words for the importance of moderation! One way to be moderate is to watch our portion size. Most restaurant food portions are at least 2-3 portion sizes and most Americans each large portions. Cutting back on the portion is a good way to lose weight without feeling deprived.

Also, think about the foods you choose to put in your body. Are you picking nourishing foods rather than empty calories that leave you feeling tired and hungry? Again, rather than dieting, think about your goal to feel better and have more energy. How will you get there?

When we diet, we see food as the enemy. Instead, our mindset should be that food is our friend. It nourishes and strengthens our body and is to be enjoyed. “I can eat what I want to eat (This is true, right? I have the power to choose), but in order to lose weight or not gain weight, I will need to make certain choices when it comes to the foods and the portions I eat.” This is a lifestyle decision, not a diet. This type of thinking is very important because it puts you in charge of the food. For example, walk past the bakery section and say, “I could eat that, but then how will I feel eating all those empty calories and how will it help my goal to eat better? I choose not to.” When you stop thinking you have to deprive yourself, you will feel more empowered to choose. And that is not a diet, but a lifestyle change you make. It’s a big step towards losing dieting for life.