This week on Live the Promise, our guests shared four common misconceptions of the Christian faith.

It’s okay to have close opposite sex friendships when you’re married.

Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley of Focus on the Family helped us understand the role of opposite sex friendships in marriage. They examined at what point a relationship with someone of the opposite sex becomes inappropriate and dangerous when you’re already married. Many people regularly meet with someone of the opposite sex other than their spouse and they say it might not be such a good idea.

Listen to the conversation here.

The purpose of Bible prophecy isn’t’ to scare you.

What is the purpose of end times prophecy in the Bible? According to author Mark Tobey, we often misinterpret the purpose of prophecy in Scripture; too often we think Bible prophecy is designed to scare us. However, prophecy is actually designed to prepare us to remain calm and active when unusual or catastrophic events occur in our world.

Listen to the conversation here.

Mark Tobey is the co-author of 

Think you’re kind? Think again.

Chances are most people probably think they are pretty kind. However, social researcher Shaunti Feldhahn says that there are a myriad of ways we’re unkind without realizing it. Some of these ways include, exasperation, pointing out mistakes, sarcasm, grumbling, suspicion, and catastrophizing. Shaunti Feldhahn encourages each of us to take the kindness challenge and commit to practicing the power of kindness.

Listen to the conversation here.

Shaunti Feldhahn is the author of 

Shame vs conviction.

We often feel like shame and conviction are synonymous or we feel as though shame is a natural outcome of conviction. However, Paul J. Pastor says that shame and conviction are actually polar opposites. Conviction is from God and shame is never from God. Conviction teaches us, restores us, and disciplines us. Whereas shame constantly keeps us looking inward instead of looking up at Christ.

Listen to the conversation here.

Paul J. Pastor is the author of