God calls us to power, love, and a sound mind, but how do we get there?

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7

If we are found in Christ, He has given us the ability to wield His Word and beat back fear and dread. When we feel the spirit of fear rise up in us, we can rest assured it’s not from God. Susie Larson reminds us that the spirit of God gives us just the opposite.

“The opposite of fear and dread is power, love, and a sound mind.”

When we fear, we recede into a cocoon of self-preservation and ultimately succumb to selfishness, but God has called us to so much more. God has asked us to walk in power, His power.

Our selfishness doesn’t end there, sooner or later we react out of fear and we behave in a way that is contrary to love.

“Then when you think about love, what is the opposite of love, we go to greediness, we grab for ourselves.”

In addition, when we are afraid, we lose self-control and a sound-mind.

“The opposite of sound mind is what we see every day in the anarchy on the streets and yet God is saying, I’m calling you to power, to love not your life even unto death and to keep your wits about you so that the world may know that you belong to me. It’s a mighty call, but he empowers us to live it.”

Featured Songs: Sing For You – Steven Curtis Chapman; Chain Breaker – Zach Williams; Rise – Danny Gokey

Called from fear