Are you a part of a blended or step family? According to Ron Deal of Family Life Blended, people are more impacted by blended families than ever before.

Over 100 million Americans have a step relationship, and another 100 million people are estimated to be impacted by step relationships.

“You could reach out and touch somebody who has a step-family relationship if it’s not you, it might be a neighbor, it might be your sister, it might be somebody you love and care about.”

Even though most of us are very close to people in blended families, there is a strong sense of invisibility.

“If we can just open our eyes, we can see that the field is ripe for harvest, and this is a growing population in our culture.”

It is important for the church to recognize this growing trend and respond in a Christ-like manner.

“Are we going to be the church or are we just going to sit by and kind of point fingers.”

As Christians, we are called to love. We are called to serve one another in love. As a Church, and as individuals, we need to be intentional about reaching out to those who are vulnerable including blended families.

The work of serving step-families should not be left completely up to the church. We should seek to discern how we can care for families in our own homes.

“The attitude to serve and love one another helps to bridge those gaps and it helps to take outsiders and make them insiders.”

Highlight: Serving blended families

The prevalence of blended families