Highlight - Being loved and loving others

If you or someone you love has ever dealt with an eating disorder, then you’ll be able to relate to Amy’s story. Fortunately, Amy found freedom from her disorder in the love of Jesus. In that process she also learned that one has to accept love from others, and has to give that same love away in turn.

As George illustrates, sometimes that’s easier said than done.

“I like the part when she’s talking about what I refer to as ‘the guys coming over the walls in my head.’ You know, you’re just sitting there, drinking your coffee, and then all the sudden; it’s like getting hit with the flu and you think ‘I’m a loser.‘”

“The only way to stop that for me is to get some Scripture.”

Amy shares her way of combating and breaking those negative thought patterns.

“If I can do it I take captive every thought and bring it to Him, put it at His feet, and then call for help. But then He also gives us tools and resources and wise counsel and it’s taking the steps and reaching out to one another.”

“God wants us to live in community. You know, that’s so important and I find that in my twelve step groups and I find that in sponsorship, and when I sponsor people they end up becoming just the dearest of friends and that’s such a blessing. We can’t do it alone. We can’t do anything alone.”

Amy lets that love from a supportive community affect how she treats others.

 “If I can get out of the way and just let him move through me and let him live in me so that I can do that outwardly. I’m just walking through every moment of life trying to connect with people in just a hello or a smile and let them know that they are loved, and that they’re not just somebody I’m passing by, and that we’re all worthy of that connection and that moment of decency.”

Being loved and loving others