Religious liberty is one of the founding principles on which America was established. And yet Christians are increasingly finding that their religious liberty is being threatened. If religious liberty falls, what is the next freedom that could go with it?

According to Carmen Fowler Laberge, from the Presbyterian Church USA, all people, even those who aren’t Christians, should care about religious freedom in America.

“When we talk about religious liberty and religious freedom, we’re talking about religious liberty and religious freedom for everybody, not just for Evangelical Christians.”

The Founding Father’s intended for religious pluralism to exist in America. They did not intend for the government to dictate the religions that could be practiced on its shore.

Many people in America believe that religious freedom is something only Christians care about. However, anyone who practices any kind of religion should desire religious freedom to stay intact.

What’s the churches role in religious liberty?

“I’m certainly a person that does believe religious liberty and freedom are paramount issues. However, I do not believe that absolutely removing all of those restrictions related to political advocacy for churches and for people in positions of ministerial leadership is the right way to go.”

According to Carmen, churches should care about politics, but not be ruled by it.

“I don’t want to see our churches become just political advocacy organizations, I know what happens when a co-called church really just becomes a PAC, and it’s not good, it’s not healthy, it’s not what the church is called to be or do.”

Highlight: Is religious freedom just for Christians?

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