It’s a new day. What if it’s a good one?

God has a few things for his followers today (and everyday.) They’ll make whatever your schedule holds better. You don’t have to take them or appreciate them, but you can if you’d like. His offer is free and wide open.

Your options are:

(and you don’t have to choose just one!)


You never have to be alone. When Jesus said He was sending the Spirit to dwell in His followers, He meant it (John 14:26.) The Holy Spirit accompanies you, comforts you, and even advocates for you. The Spirit keeps you close to the Lord’s will and His best for you. That’s some companion!


God’s Word, which is at the ready for your reading pleasure today, is able to guide you. It is God-breathed. He speaks to instruct you, direct you, correct you, and encourage you. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)


Is there ever a day you are not in need of wisdom? Today is no exception (1 John 5:20.) You need wisdom in your decisions, big and small. Wisdom should season your speech and change your attitude. Wisdom gives you understanding, which enables you to know Him. And knowing Him shapes who you are, how you see things, and how you live – all for the better.

Someone to talk to

“Pray without ceasing” is as much a gift as a wise suggestion (1 Thessalonians 5:17). The Lord hears it all and knows it all. He still loves you anyway. Since He’s always listening and loving, the Lord really is always there to talk to. Ask Him questions, ask for help, share your concerns. Share a laugh. The Lord is listening and He does respond.


When God sent His son, He sent you help. In sending the Spirit, Jesus sent a helper for you. Yes, the Lord is ready to help. He is prepared, and capable (Luke 7:16).


1 John 4:16 proclaims that “we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love.” His very presence in your life shows His love for you, and you can choose to talk right up to Him today because of His love for you through Christ. You can go all day in that love and rely on it too.


1 Corinthians 7:17 says that the Lord has assigned your situation. He has called you to a task, uniquely. All work is not vain when performed for the Lord. As you approach your tasks today, take it from Him: you have a purpose.


He has fashioned you, and continues to do so (2 Corinthians 5:5). Today, the Lord has plans to shape you and grow you. You don’t have to be the same old, same old. You don’t have to stay stuck. Even as you wait on Him and nothing around you seems to change, He is growing you.