Should we be afraid of refugees?

Research shows that church members are twice as likely to fear refugees as they are to help them. President of World Relief Stephen Bauman argues that the fear of refugees is not warranted. He shares three core reasons why there is no reason to fear:

1. The historical precedent illustrates that there has never been a case of terrorism out of a refugee program.

2. The vetting process is the best we have.

3. There is Biblical mandate and moral imperative to serve those who are the least of these.

The same study that speaks to church members fear says that 86% have an interest, desire and commitment to welcome the strangers. Stephen explains how we can have data that is so clearly contradictory.

“We have this tension between fear and moral responsibility and they don’t have to be mutually exclusive. We don’t have to pit them against one another. We can be wise in how we bring refugees in and who comes.”

“At the same time, we don’t have to give up on our moral imperative that we all believe is from Jesus himself.”

God calls us to love one another and welcome the stranger, the refugees settling in ou communities give us an opportunity to do just that. It is essential that we face our fears by asking God to help us reach out in love.

“As we walk through data, take a deep breath from our fear, take a step back, meet refugees and talk about the facts I think the fear starts to dissipate.”

Great things can happen when we decide to not be ruled by fear and instead trust God and follow him in obedience.

Highlight: Fear and the refugee crisis

Stephan Bauman on the refugee crisis