Life can be very demanding and we don’t have time to do everything. Do you find yourself saying no to a lot of things but feeling guilty afterward? Lysa Terkeurst discusses how we can learn to say no –  so we can say yes.

Lysa admits that she was one of those people who felt guilty every time she said no.

“So then reverting to saying yes to too many things and being completely overwhelmed.”

She quickly realized that the overstuffed lifestyle she was living was not sustainable. She knew she had to make a change.

“I started making the connection that when we live with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule, we’ll start to ache with the sadness of an underwhelmed soul.”

The aching inside our soul is a result of our knowing that we were created for more but getting in too deep.

“We’re saying yes to so many things that we never quite get to the best that God has for us.”

It’s not only about what we do, it’s about who we are. It is important for all Christians to not just seek to do things for God but seek to know him more, being changed from the inside out. Before we can go out and make disciples we have to make sure we don’t miss a crucial step.

“Jesus says, I have chosen you to be my disciples to be with me, and then I have given you the authority to go out.”

Before we do anything else, God wants us to slow down and abide in Him and His Word.

“When I’m a commercial for crazy, I just don’t think that I’m representing what it really looks like to be a loving Christian that walks in the way that Jesus would walk, and thinks in the way Jesus thinks and notices what Jesus would notice.”

Highlight: Do you struggle to say no?

Saying no, so you can say yes