Highlight: Biblical wisdom

Websters dictionary describes Wisdom as:

“Accumulated philosophic knowledge or scientific language, or the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships.”

How does biblical wisdom compare? According to Daniel Henderson, the first quality of biblical wisdom is purity.

“We care about purity in so many other ways. We want pure water, pure food, pure air, but Jesus came to purify the most important thing and that is our very souls, our motivation, our mind. The need for that is so great because our society is so wicked and so filled with lust and hatred.”

“All the Lord wants to do is to make a shining examples of what His pure life looks like in a world that is fallen.”

The second attribute of biblical wisdom is submission. Biblical wisdom submits to the way of Jesus.

“When He was reviled, He did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.” 1 Peter 2:23

We’re called to walk in His steps, even when those around us aren’t.

“I often remind myself that the scoreboard is in heaven. This world is no friend of grace and justice isn’t always served at a human level, but I always know that if I can say the right thing, if I can say what’s true from a pure motive, I know God is keeping score. Ultimately, we know there is a Christ who has walked a very unjust journey before us, He was very misunderstood, but He trusted God who judges righteously and we can have that same trust, especially with the grace of Christ empowering us to navigate those situations.”

God wants to grant us wisdom. All we have to do is ask Him to show us wisdom for His glory and not our own.

Daniel Henderson has been guiding individuals, leaders, and churches to embrace experiences of powerful spiritual renewal for three decades. He has served as a senior pastor to thousands in congregations in California and Minnesota. Today he speaks across the nation at leadership conferences and local churches while coaching pastors and business leaders in the principles of a strategic and spiritually significant life.

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