Highlight - Asking God for help

Rick and Kate’s marriage was all but over because of Rick’s alcoholism, but Rick’s wake up call came when Kate was on her way out the door for good. So, how did Rick eventually overcome his addiction and get his life back on track, and what is his advice if you’re in the same situation?

 “Surrender to God. Ask Him for His help. God will give you help. When you think about your Lord and Savior, he loves you, and he desires you, and wants everything for you in your life you just have to ask.”

“And then you need to surround yourself with positive people. As a recovering addict, if you surround yourself with other addicts, they’re going to drag you down. You have to change. It’s a complete lifestyle change.”

George points out how important that complete lifestyle change is for a Christian to be a good witness.

“I don’t want somebody to see me in a bar that it might be a stumbling block to them, but you know what? I could drink again. And if you get comfortable going into bars and you’re listening tonight: pride comes before the fall. Let every man take heed lest he stumble.”

“Is it God honoring for you to be in a bar? I have a real hard time saying it’s ever God honoring for me to be in a bar, but I take a hard line on this, and I like what you’re saying, you’ve got to change what you do and who you hang with.”

George reiterates the necessity of asking God for help and being patient when seeking sobriety.

“You’ve got to pray for that desire to want to do this and start there. God will change your heart. This is a process. It might not happen all at once – it took me seven years, but what the idea to quit, that didn’t come from you, that came from God, and if you pray for the desire he might set up circumstances like he did in your life or all the sudden you’re going to really want to (get sober).

Asking God for help