“I felt like my soul began to stir, that I had missed this great truth…”

What does it mean to be seated with Christ?

Heather Holleman was a successful woman teaching the Word, but God had a new thing to show her. She was studying Ephesians 2 one afternoon when this phrase ‘seated with Christ’ hit her in a new way.

She made a list of three ways she had been fighting for a seat at the table.

• Appearance – “If only I were beautiful.”

• Affluence – “If only I had more.”

• Achievement – “If only I could achieve.”

Heather transformed each of those words into what Scripture says is true.

Seated people adore Jesus.

“Those who look at Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” Psalm 34:5

We are radiating the beauty of Christ because we stay seated in the heavenly realms. We can leave the house each day knowing that our outward appearance radiates Christ, so we don’t become less beautiful depending on what we wear or anything else that is external.

Seated people don’t worry about affluence because they know they have access to the riches of God’s kingdom.

“They are always available to the believer. The riches of community, of belonging, of love.”

When we pause and ask Jesus to provide for our needs, we can live life knowing that He already has. God is not stingy with His children – He’s given us eternal riches in Christ!

Seated people stop achieving, and they abide.

In John 15:5, Jesus says we will bear fruit as we abide in Him. This was the most freeing truth for Heather, who was driven to strive and constantly work to be better than others. She learned the ultimate truth – faith and rest are deeply connected.

“I am going to stay close to Jesus and good things are going to happen. I don’t need to compare my achievements to my neighbors or colleagues or other women in the church.”

Heather’s book is  .

Key Scriptures: Ephesians 2:4-6; Psalm 84; Psalm 27:4

Featured Songs: Grace Wins by Matthew West; At the Table by Chris Tomlin; Blameless by Dara Maclean

Highlight : 3 things seated people do

Seated with Christ