In many seasons of life, we have a certain anthem that carries us through and reminds us of God’s promises. What song is speaking to you right now? Listen as Susie takes your calls and leads us in an hour of music and worship.

We spend some time in prayer and meditation on these truths:

•  God wants us to live in response to Him; not in reaction to our fears, hardships, or mean people. He determines our steps.

•  When we mess up, the enemy of our soul wants us to “Sit there… and think about what you’ve done.” Jesus says, “No. Sit here, by Me… and think about what I’ve done.”

•  There’s no substitute for the power of the living God. In our weakness He shows Himself strong – so humble yourself and trust Him to empower you.

•  Life on earth is short, and eternity is long. May we live by faith, knowing we only have a piece of the story.

•  Our light and momentary trials are achieving for us a weightiness of glory in us that far outweighs them all. So let us lean in, learn, trust, and prevail.

•  There are times we need to speak to our souls and remind ourselves of God’s power, faithfulness, presence, and provision.

Here is Susie’s closing prayer:

Lord in this day, when the love of most grows cold
Help us to walk so intimately with You that when they encounter us, they encounter You.
Help us to live as those who are spoken for.
Fill us afresh, in Jesus’ Name.

Key Scriptures: Psalm 139

Featured Songs: Search Me, Know Me by Kathryn Scott; When I Think About the Lord by Christ for the Nations; Not by Might by Robin Mark; Kings and Nations by Robin Mark; The Lord’s Prayer (Deliver Us) by Selah; Peace Be Still by Mark Alan/Emmanuel Live

Highlight : Live in response to God’s love

Spiritual reset: Perspectives on faith