Prom season is here, and so is summer weather. Based on current cultural norms for dating behavior and clothing styles, modesty is not the word that comes to mind.  Noted author and speaker Dannah Gresh returns to Connecting Faith to offer help and hope for parents guiding their daughters—and sons—through the changing sexual standards of today’s culture. We talk with Dannah about her book  and she offers straight talk about purity and relationships. Here’s where that conversation takes us.

We tackle the real conundrum that prom has become for people of faith. Modesty is one of the main concerns in view of current trends. Dannah says even the Grammy’s have a dress code today to combat the extremes of fashion. We discover ways that schools are trying to grapple with the issue.

Dannah believes that one of the keys many parents are missing when it comes to modesty is to begin teaching their kids about good taste at a younger age than we currently do – before sexual maturity.

Modesty is a term that’s been employed so much in so many tense debates that it’s worthwhile to define our term. Dannah offers a workable, helpful definition – dancing down the power of allure. She explains that women have to make clothing decisions with wisdom and discernment.

An often heard critique of those who encourage modesty is that it’s impossible to be both fashionable and modest. Dannah completely disagrees, saying it’s possible to be both if your heart is the right place. She also says that having the right heart attitude goes for modesty advocates of faith as well. We shouldn’t objectify women in the way we apply this truth. We need to always remember that we’re dealing with sisters in Christ.

Highlight: Double lives

Summer style: helping teens stay modest