The key to life change can be summed up in one word: risk. Whether it’s a small change in your life or big leap of faith, risk-taking often requires strength and courage. Great results may include growing pains along the way.

Jason Jaggard, author of , describes the art of self-challenge, how we can change the world and our lives for the better and how the essence of the gospel message is centered on risk.

Jo describes her son’s first time enduring muscle pains after a work out at the gym. “Mom, I can’t move my thighs, they hurt so bad!” She reminded him that his muscles desired to grow and in order for that to happen, he needed to keep persevering. Jason had a similar experience in the gym being pushed by a personal trainer.

Similar to having a personal trainer, we need people to carry us along. Often our vision is too small. Community, or an outside perspective, helps to push us beyond what we believe our limits to be.

“Remember, you want to push yourself.”

Comparable to sore muscles, growing pains can also be experienced during leadership growth at work. As opposed to simply ‘throwing in the towel’, Jason encourages leaders to change their perspectives to receive better results.

“Imagine in your families or organizations – that anytime there is structural change, anytime people are experiencing any kind of normal healthy pain in terms of leadership growth, instead of saying ‘Ahhh, make it stop!’, they would say ‘Let’s make this count!’ Instead of saying ‘take this away,’ they are saying ‘bring it on.’ That is a powerful leadership culture.”

We have an opportunity to embrace that leadership in our own lives, even if pain is involved. The pain is minimal compared to the growth that comes from risk-taking.

“Leadership is defining reality. A large part of that is defining pain. Pain isn’t either good or bad; it’s a resource for us to give us leverage to become healthier, more inspiring human beings”

It may take risks and growing pains, but the transformation that’ll take place in your life can change the world.

Highlight: Growing pains

Taking risks for a better life