There are so many questions about evil in our world, and a great deal of speculation about Satan and demons. Dr. Mark Muska joins us to shed light on some things we need to know about the influence and activity of evil spirit and powers. He spells out what the Bible says on this topic on this latest edition of Connecting Faith. University of Northwestern bible professor Mark Muska discusses his new book . Here’s where this intriguing conversation leads:

Dr. Muska notes that people often have a great deal of curiosity about Satan and evil – yet we are fearful about the concept at the same time. He believes that many of us have misconceptions about the reality of Satan and demons. So what does the Bible really tell us?

“We are to look to God and not any other sources.”

We cover the basics. Is Satan really a creature with horns, hoofs & a tail? Satan is the name that we give to the fallen angel, Lucifer. So you have this extraordinary being that was once a mighty angel, yet he made the fateful choice to rebel against God. Mark takes us back to other biblical stories that further expand on the person of Satan. We cover the story of Job and look at the description there of Satan and his behavior.

Dr. Muska takes on some other common questions. Can Satan read our thoughts? What is a demonic possession? Can a demon possess a follower of Jesus? And can anything protect us from demonic attacks?

So why does Satan have such a concern with us? Why does he seek our destruction? Should we be fearful of him and his demons?

Speaking of the demonic world, do demons have specific names that describe their roles – such as lust, greet and lying? Do we know anything about a hierarchy of power they may have amongst themselves?

It’s a discussion of evil, but a reminder of one who is greater than all of it, on this latest edition of Connecting Faith.

Highlight – Understanding attacks

Conquering evil