Do you allow worry to cloud your judgment or steal your joy? What keeps you up at night? On this edition of Live the Promise author Jane Rubietta returns to talk about finding freedom and trust in our daily life.

Jane names several causes for worry today out of her book, . “I think everything falls under those categories.”

1. Finances

2. Future

3. Family

4. Friends

“What is under all these things? Is there a common denominator?” Jane shares what she learned about worry when a friend lovingly confronted her.

“I started to listen to what some of [my] needs are. The superficial needs we tend to identify are rarely the real needs. The longings for safety and security are needs we rarely address. God invited me to trust Him when I go to work every morning, when I pick up the phone… to be mindful of God’s presence in me.”

As Jane focused on God’s nearness, her worry started to decrease. She still deals with anxiety but it no longer has a grip on her life.

Jane and Susie explore the various ways worry can manifest in our lives.

• Anxiety

• Sleeplessness

• Physical maladies or aches

• Weight gain (from lack of sleep and poor eating habits)

Jane has these words for those who worry – choose to delight in God.

“When you’re delighting in a grandchild or a puppy or the intricacy of a flower, it occupies our attention. When we delight in God, we’re shifting our focus away from the thieves that might steal our lives and attention.”

She adds, choose to focus on the certainty of the future instead of the fear of it.

“If worry takes us to the future, hope takes us to heaven. [We need to] just keep focusing on the hope that we have, that Christ is victorious.”

Key Scriptures: Romans 5:1-5

Theme Song: Guardian by Worship Central

Highlight : Hope or worry?

Choosing faith over worry