For seven days, the Israelites marched around a towering fortress. It seemed impenetrable – but God had other plans. On the Wednesday edition of Live the Promise Susie talks with pastor Dudley Rutherford about how God worked to bring His people to victory.

Jericho is known as one of the oldest cities in the world. God led His people out of Egypt into the Promised Land, into freedom. Jericho needed to be conquered before freedom could be real.

“God is gonna ask us and lead us down paths that sometimes are not going to make sense to us in our human wisdom. In that tug of war between the flesh and the spirit you should always side with God. He knows what’s best for us, much like a parent knows what’s best for a child.”

Dudley explains the importance of perspective – knowing the position and power of God (the first lesson in the journey).

“When you look at the greatness of God – the fact that He created the universe – your problem shrinks immediately. There are people who are hurting – I’m not trying to tell you you’re not hurting. But in the midst of that don’t forget your God is a zillion times bigger than the problem you’re facing. It’s all a matter of where our focus is.”

The full seven points are below, as found in Dudley’s book, .

1. Focus on the power of our Lord, not the size of your problem (click the highlight below to hear more).

2. Trust in God’s plan even when it doesn’t make sense.

3. See the supernatural in all situations.

4. Surround yourself with other believers committed to the same goal.

5. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

6. Follow God’s instructions every step of the way.

7. Get ready for a season of joy.

Key Scriptures: Psalm 71:14; Joshua 6

Theme Song: Soul on Fire by Third Day

Highlight : Focus on the size of your God, not the size of your problem

7 lessons from the battle of Jericho