Making peace and resolving a conflict with another person is one of the most difficult things we will ever have to do. Thankfully, there is real, practical help and hope for these scenarios – because God has ultimately reconciled us to himself through His Son.

Jo welcomes Ken Sande, the founder of Peacemaker Ministries and president of Relational Wisdom 360, with wisdom and encouragement for responding to conflict Biblically and transforming relationships with the power of the gospel.

Highlight – Peacemakers


“Because God has reconciled us to himself through Christ, Christians can be reconciled to one another.” – Ken Sande

Ken drills down on four key principles to resolving a conflict…

1. Glorify God
2. Get the log out of your own eye (or even any potential logs you may not be immediately aware of)
3. Gently restore
4. Go & reconcile

We focus on the importance of not only intellectually understanding what God’s Word has to say on the topic of relationships, but heading out the door and putting those lessons into practice.

Ken also described the components of emotional intelligence:

1. Self awareness
2. Self management
3. Social awareness
4. Social management

Our guest says the strongest predictor of how you’ll fare in a potential conflict is the level of your own relational skills. However he also offers hope that, if you feel you’re someone with very few of those skills, there are real ways to improve them.

Interestingly enough, though emotion can lead to very poor choices in the midst of a conflict, Ken notes that the Bible is full of emotion. Even Jesus displays this type of feeling, but the key point lays in the fact that it never led Him to sin.

 You can dig deeper via Ken’s ministry when you visit the Relational Wisdom 360 blog & Facebook page!