What does it mean to act on behalf of another? On the weekend edition of Live the Promise, Susie talks with novelist, pastor, and veteran attorney Randy Singer. We talk about his newest novel, The Advocate, and unpack its themes of justice, conscience, submission to authority, and learning to forgive yourself for past mistakes.

Randy’s new novel traces the fictional journey of a young man named Theophilus as he trains under scholars and becomes a legal advocate in Jerusalem in the first century A.D. Throughout the book, Theophilus wrestles with his own conscience and concepts of truth, true justice, and what it means to defend someone with righteousness. Randy says,

“The idea for it came from the book of Acts. We’ve got this great story about the rise of the early church and the whole second half of the book is focused on the life of Paul… In my mind I determined that [Luke and Acts] were probably written to Theophilus, and Theophilus was probably Paul’s court-appointed advocate to defend him against Nero. In [The Advocate], Theophilus is at the trial of Jesus, sees the crucifixion and is profoundly changed. Thirty years later he becomes the advocate of the apostle Paul.”

Randy studied law, and most of his time goes into his preaching and his law practice. When he started writing novels, his career was sparked by God’s leading.

“God gave me a story to tell, and through that I became a writer.”

Randy gives advice to those who are looking to start a writing career.

• Go to a writers’ conference.
• Set aside time to hone your craft, and develop a discipline of writing.
• Pray for direction, humility, and the ultimate focus of glorifying God through your words.

Key Scriptures: Hebrews 12:1-2; 1 John 2:1

Theme Song: Whom Shall I Fear? by Chris Tomlin

Highlight : The advocate

Novel talk : The advocate