As we celebrate mother’s day, Bill and George welcome three moms who have all experienced addiction in different ways and on different levels and have come out on the other side with the help of Jesus Christ.

Kelly was first introduced to methamphetamine by, of all people, her own father. Her journey led her down a dark path, but ultimately she found herself at Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge, and now, as she gets ready to graduate, she’s looking forward to life with her son and a renewed relationship with her father.

Rebecca now works at Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge, but before that she was an alcoholic who started drinking later in life. Insecurity and loneliness led Rebecca to self-medicate with alcohol, but it wasn’t belong before it not only affected her, but her entire family.

Marcy is a mother who has several children who are currently on the road to recovery and are in different stages in their faith and recovery journeys. She shares from a mother’s heart what it’s like to have a son or daughter entangled in addiction and how she relies on God to help her through.

All of tonight’s guests are and were helped by Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge, and if you or someone you know is currently struggling with addiction, they can provide help and hope at 612-FREEDOM.

Mother’s Day 2014

Image: Flickr