Do you wrestle with the need to please and appease others?

Listen as Susie is joined by author and former journalist Jennifer Dukes Lee. We spend some time exploring the power of the gospel to renew our minds and talk about why God’s view of our lives carries infinitely more weight than the views of those around us.

Do you believe you’re pre-approved? Do you believe Jesus makes you righteous, or do you feel the need to show your worth to God and to others? Jennifer described her success and approval as ‘a drug.’ Every new interview prospect or piece of positive feedback was a chance to celebrate and get a new ‘high.’ Jennifer points out that it’s not wrong to want to please others – the danger comes when we put all of our weight and value on what they see and think. When your peace comes from your job, your finances, your marriage, or your health, your sense of self is doomed to fall. In Jennifer’s words, “Peace is not a place. It’s a Person, and His name is Jesus. When we stop seeking the world’s peace and approval, that’s when we start to live for God.” Jennifer’s book is Love Idol.

Key Scriptures: Luke 24:13-34; 2 Timothy 2:15

Theme Song: How He Loves Us by David Crowder

Highlight : Love idol

Love idol

Image: Flickr