Do you know how to motivate others? Maybe your talent is arranging events and managing logistics behind the scenes or standing in front of the crowd presenting your research findings. God wired each person with specific gifts, and Dr. Al Winseman, senior consultant for Gallup, joins Jo to help each of us find our ‘sweet spot.’ It’s a discussion on Living Your Strengths on Connecting Faith.

The Strengthsfinder test is 180 questions and is used to identify ‘signature themes and talents’ in your life. Listen as Jo and Al unpack the strength-finder process:

  • How to identify your strengths
  • The connection between strengths and our spiritual gifts
  • Al’s own journey to Gallup and discovering his strengths
  • How introversion and extroversion affect and influence our strengths
  • The acronym WOO – “winning others over” – and how that plays out in the workplace and the church
  • The most common strengths for those who have taken the test:
    • Achiever – working hard, accomplishing tasks
    • Relater – the person who excels in building relationships
    • Learner – a love of knowledge and growing
  • What are the least common strengths?
    • Commander – the ability to lead and set goals in your own life
    • Discipline – the ability to manage your time and life

What can we do with this knowledge? Al recommends taking the test, finding your area of joy and giftedness, and simply get involved! Approach your church and ask where you might be a good fit. Al wrote a book titled Growing an Engaged Church, and he says, “Our research shows that belonging leads to believing – if we foster that sense of engagement, church members will feel more connected and involved. Al recommends that church leaders clarify expectations of those under their leadership. Connect everyone to a small group and do life together! Find your gifting and use it to serve alongside others as you walk and grow together.

Image: Flickr

Highlight – Living your strengths

Living your strengths