The Israelite’s journey through the Sinai desert lasted 40 years.  How long has your journey been through difficult and uncertain times – the places our guest calls “the land between”.

Jo talks with pastor and author Jeff Manion, and they discuss his book The Land BetweenHe shares fresh perspectives and biblical insights for people in challenging transitions like foreclosures, unemployment and more.  We’re reminded that God desires to meet us in the land between, providing provision, hope and guidance as we make our way to the promised land.

So first – what does “the land between” encompass? Jeff says it is those places where we find ourselves in a land undesired: things like an unexpected illness, an accident, the death of a loved one, our company announcing downsizing, or a divorce. We’re not where we were. We’re not yet where we’re going. We are somewhere in between.

As we look at the epic tale of the Israelites in the land between Egypt and Canaan, it can be easy to pile on the whiny nature of the characters we’re introduced to. Yet Jeff notes that we don’t often place ourselves in their shoes in an entirely accurate way.

Highlight: Understanding the situation

When we’re in the land between, our heart is in real danger. We glance at the story of “Moses’ meltdown” in Numbers 11 for an illustration. If we don’t take the right path, the desert can be the place where faith goes to die.

We’re often given to repeat the phrase “time heals all wounds”, but we know that’s not true.

Jeff details his experiences in the land between, and explains how they functioned as places where God prepared his heart to someday serve others. Sometimes in the middle of our mess, God sends His unprecedented grace & presence.

Journey to the promised land