Thunderstorms. As a child, the first rumble sent me running to find a place to hide. A closet, a cabinet, the clothes dryer. Any small space with at door I could close! Eyes squeezed shut, little fingers pressed into my ears, I would hide there until my fears subsided. The storm still raged outside with rain, wind, lightning and thunder, but inside my tight little spot, I felt safe and sheltered.

As an adult, guess what? The storms still come, but in a different form. Trouble in a relationship, a frightening diagnosis, loss and grief, or a discouraging change in circumstances.  Hiding still sounds pretty good.

But some hiding places can bring danger:   Anger. Addiction. Overwork. Denial. Withdrawal.

Although these hiding places may give brief moments of relief, ultimately we still find ourselves in the storm, battling the circumstances and likely getting hurt and hurting others in the process.

Faith in Christ offers something better. When (not if) the storms strike, there is a safe place to hide. God’s love and mercy offer a place of shelter during adversity. Psalm 32:7 says

“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” (NIV)

“You have been a refuge. . .a shelter from the storm.” Isaiah 25:4 (NIV)

I believe God wants us to hide. . .and seek.

When we hide in Him and seek Him, we receive an outpouring of his grace and mercy, comfort and peace. He speaks to our Spirit through his Word, music, prayer, and the wisdom of other believers. As the storm rages, God can provide us a safe shelter, a place to get our bearings as we center on Him.  And then, when we step back into our world, we are better equipped to deal with the storm. The storm still storms, but we’ve been “outfitted” as my outdoorsman husband would say.

Where are you seeking shelter from the storms of life?