There is a biblical mandate for all believers to “care for the widow and orphans” (James 1:27).

But what does that really mean?
How much must we care for orphans?
And how do we actually carry out this mandate to care?

Dr. Bill Maier talks with Katie Overstreet about Focus on the Family’s Orphan Care Initiative and the Wait No More events designed to educate and encourage people to care for orphans of the world.

The Orphan Care Initiative works with adoption agencies and churches to help find families for the more than 100,000 legal orphaned children in the United States. Find out more about this program through the Focus on the Family website.

Dr. Bill Maier’s second guest, Jared Pingleton shares about the difficulties and challenges that many marriages face, the mistakes couples make, and how to avoid these pitfalls, move forward in relationships, and find ways to make your marriage magnificent.

Caring for Orphans

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