Prayer is a conversation between us and the God Who created us. What do your conversations with Him sound like?

Susie and Greg Pruett, president of Pioneer Bible Translators, unpack the powerful answers to prayer from Scripture and give us a charge to come to God with requests that only He can meet.

Greg and his wife Rebecca moved to West Africa to minister to a rural tribe, hopeful that God would move quickly and powerfully among the people. What they discovered was frustration, sickness, cultural differences, a language barrier, and marital strains. After a particularly harsh argument, Greg left their house determined to end both his ministry and marriage. After a weeklong prayer retreat, he and Rebecca slowly started rebuilding their life. Greg went on to become the leader of their translation society and start a prayer movement that God used to double PBT in size and outreach. We explore the prayers of God’s people and the different models of faith we see in Scripture:

•  Moses
•  Jeremiah
•  Bartimaeus
•  Jesus

What prayers did Jesus promise to answer? Greg lists six areas of prayer from Scripture:

•  Prayers in Jesus’ Name – praying in accord with the work and person of Jesus Christ
•  Prayers of faith and faithfulness
•  Persistent prayer
•  Unified group prayer
•  Specific prayers – asking God for things that are clear and specific enough to build your faith

The Lord calls us to persistent, specific, humble prayers. When we step out in faith, God responds to our need, and we become closer to Him. In Greg’s words,”When you persist in prayers and you see God move in those prayers, your faith grows.” What does this look like?

Greg offers an acronym we can use to build a strong and focused prayer life – ACTIVE:

Vanquishing Satan
Extreme Prayer

Key Scriptures: Isaiah 40:29-31; Luke 18:1-7

Theme Song: The Lord’s Prayer by Selah

Highlight : Extreme prayer

Extreme prayer