This past weekend most Americans celebrated Thanksgiving with family or friends. But there is a growing group of visitors in our cities that had no connections for the holiday. We talk ministry to the international students in our community, and the rewarding relationships that await us.

Kathleen Macosko from Stadium Village Church, and Barbara Fadirepo talk about the joys of making international connections at home. We also welcome Tim Grunditz and Glenn Kenardijan into the studio to share their insight on this key outreach opportunity. Here’s where our conversation takes us on this latest edition of Connecting Faith:

So why should we be intentional about reaching international students? The answer starts with the great commission and God’s call for us to make disciples.

For those of us feeling a particular pull toward mission work, Tim suggests this may be a great avenue to explore right here at home. To illustrate the scale of the opportunity, we note that around ten percent of the student population at the University of Minnesota is comprised of international students.

“It’s a wonderful way to show who you are and who you are in Christ to people who are really curious as to what makes Americans tick.” – Pastor Kathleen Macosko 

An excellent chance to reach out to students is to help teach them in an area where they’re seeking knowledge and familiarity.

We highlight strategies to share our faith with these students. Tim notes that our faith is going to stick out when we live in such a way that we give of ourselves. That sort of behavior is contrary to human nature and is going to get noticed!

How can one go about hosting an international student? Are there different types of hosting scenarios? This can be a unique opportunity to forge a relationship.

While not every international student will be open to attending church, sometimes all it takes is someone to bridge the gap of unfamiliarity and invite them or attend with them.

Highlight: Future leaders

Connecting with international students

You can learn more about the outreach of Stadium Village Church here.

Read further on China Outreach Ministries here and their Twin Cities efforts here.

Visit the Hospitality Center for Chinese here.

And gain insight on Connexions International here.