When was the last time you and your spouse went on a date?  Whether you’ve been married for thirty days or thirty years, spending time together is still the key to a close relationship—and it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.  On the next Connecting Faith marriage experts Dave and Claudia Arp join us to review $10 Great Dates: Connecting Love, Marriage, And Fun On A Budget.  It’s time to break up the routine and think big romance on a small budget.

Dave and Claudia share encouraging, creative ideas such as:

  • The ‘Milkshake’ Date
  • Movies on Location Date
  • Time Traveling Date
  • Bucket List Date
  • Moonlight/Sunrises Date
  • Surprise Me! Date

Dave and Claudia Arp provide meaningful, spontaneous Great Date ideas to fit any budget and keep that spark alive, regardless of your income.  Dating doesn’t always have to mean spending money.  It could be spending the evening reading a couple’s book outloud, or laying under the stars watching movies on your iPad together.

“Dating is spending focused time with each other, it’s an attitude” -David Arp

Marriages aren’t meant to be dull and boring.  They are meant to be filled with love, hope and excitement!   The Arps also provide helpful talking points for dates and how to separate discussions about finances, mother-in-laws and child concerns.

“If you want to talk about that kind of stuff, have a business meeting and then go out on a date” – David Arp

David and Claudia understand that not every couple has the same love languages or financial budget, so learning what works best for your marriage is a key factor.   Though every family dynamic is different, parent’s behavior has primary influence in the lives of their children.

“When we set time apart, we are modeling for our children what a Christian marriage looks like” – Claudia Arp

God created us His own image, so we should be representing Him through honoring and loving one another.   Claudia points out that our culture isn’t always marriage friendly, so it’s up to us to know what God says about marriage and relationship building.  Connecting love, marriage and fun together doesn’t have to wait any longer.   Start reminding your sweetie why they fell in love with you in the first place and go on go out on a $10 Great Date today!

Relevant scripture: Genesis 1:27

$10 Great Dates!