Chip Ingram of Living on the Edge looks at the complex topic of spiritual warfare in his book, The Invisible War. Often when we hear about spiritual warfare it’s taking place in far off countries in abstract of us.

Many Christians seriously downplay spiritual warfare.

“Spiritual warfare is probably happening to most Christians and they aren’t aware of it. I think the reason you  hear about it so much oversees is that when there is breakthroughs of God’s Spirit and people are in darkness it (the spiritual warfare) is more overt.”

Chip saw spiritual warfare through a variety of practical means. When he would put on major evangelistic events, one of his appliances would go out and his car would have issues. He and members of his ministry team have experienced what he described as “bizarre physical manifestations.”

In one instance he was paralyzed and felt like he was asleep except his eyes were open. He cried out to God and came out of the state with a jerk.

When he feels as though he is facing spiritual opposition Chip declares Scriptures including 1 John 4:4,  Revelation 12:11 and 1 John 5:4-5. When he does this, the demons and darkness clearly step back.

“The power is in God’s word.”

A danger that Chip sees facing the conservative church is that we don’t take spiritual warfare seriously.  We learn about the armor of God but it’s all very theoretical. He cautions us to take this topic more seriously. There can also be a tendency for individuals from Pentecostal backgrounds to hear lots of stories but not completely understand the theology. Chip suggests those individuals should seriously look into the theology of the matter.

Paul expected the average believer to be able to do spiritual warfare so we also should be prepared and recognize that this challenge can face any believer.

With God on our side though, any believer can overcome. 

Key Scriptures: Psalm 84:11Luke 4:33-36Ephesians 6:10-16Revelation 12:11

Spiritual warfare