How do the people most resistant to the trans-formative power of the gospel come to be its most devoted followers?

Jerry Trousdale of CityTeam International shares about the movement of Christ in the Muslim community in his new book, Miraculous Movement.

CityTeam is focusing their efforts on Muslims in Africa, and through their work thousands of churches have been planted. They have found that people groups made up of between 98 to 100 percent Muslim individuals actually respond most strongly to the gospel.

“Many of the areas we thought would be unreachable, the last to yield  to the gospel, are actually some of the ones that respond first.”

As an example, Jerry shared the story of a seasoned Muslim leader. He had a deep longing in his life for a relationship with God that he had never experienced in Islam. People would come to him with questions that he didn’t have answers for and he was somewhat frustrated.

One night he was sleeping and the Muslim leader had a dream of Jesus. The dream encouraged him to think that there was something more he could learn about God. The dream said he should go to a specific tree, find a person nearby and that person would have the answers to the questions the leader had about Allah. 

He got up early in the morning and went to the tree which was buy a busy road. He waited all day long but didn’t see the face from his dream come by the tree.

Near the end of the day he finally saw the man, who was a pastor headed to an all-night prayer meeting, and invited him to his house and asked him to share with him. Over a period of a few days the Muslim leader and his wife became Christ followers. They have gone on to bear great fruit for the kingdom.

According to Jerry, this story is one of many that illustrate how Muslims are coming to Christ in large numbers at this point in history.

Key Scriptures: John 15:14-16

How Muslims are coming to Christ