How can we minister to people who are hostile to Christianity?

Evangelist Matt Brown of Think-E ministries provides tips on praying for and witnessing to those around us who don’t yet know Christ.

Be natural.
We can’t sit there and fake it, people will see through that.

We need to actually have connections with Christ.
Real passion for sharing comes out of real experiences with Christ. 

Our call isn’t to convince people.
However, we should do our best to convey the gospel in a way that people could receive it.

Learn to communicate well.
When we communicate well we show our earnestness for the gospel and help avoid perpetuating confusion or misinterpretation about the gospel.

Learn to be a good friend and listen well.
Why would people want to accept your message if you are being pushy and focused on a decision instead of a relationship?

Do your best and leave the results up to God.
God works in people’s hearts, not us. Results are up to him.

Be kind and respectful and loving to the people around you.
You can pray and trust God all you want, but if you don’t treat people right you’re going to be lacking in your effectiveness. Really it’s the fruits of the Spirit.

Don’t use evangelism as a tool to ease your conscious.
That’s doing it wrong.

We should witness out of a desire to be a part of the movement of God on the earth.
This is the better motivation. Let’s be apart of something great, not guilt ourselves.

We shouldn’t be trying to prove ourselves.
Becoming defensive and dismissing questions doesn’t build the relationship of trust necessary.

Don’t be ashamed of the gospel.
In all our attempts to make the gospel reasonable and attractive we can’t become ashamed of it.

“You can do everything God calls you to, but only through his power.”

Key Scriptures: Proverbs 11:2John 4:1-29, 39-42Acts 1:4-8 


Theme Song: Hallelujah Jesus by Monk & Neagle