The Christmas season has officially arrived. People are busy with shopping and wrapping and cooking and parties. In the midst of this busyness, let’s look at an important way parents can teach their children about the “Reason for this and Every Season” – modeling.

Modeling is possibly the most important thing parents can do to teach their children about the Lord. In essence you are teaching all the time for kids learn what they live. The holiday season more than any other time can find parents getting their priorities out of order. If you as Mom and Dad aren’t intentional, tasks and stuff will outrank the more important things – people and the Lord.

So parents, be certain not to short-change your quiet time, your time alone with the Lord.  Your kids are always watching. Beyond that, be aware of how busyness affects your interactions. Are you modeling anger and frustration or love and a peaceful spirit?

When parents are under pressure from time or money constraints, the attitude of Christ will be very evident or very obviously lacking.

Christmastime provides many opportunities to intentionally serve others.  Once again, you are modeling.  Take advantage of those opportunities to work together as a family.  Everyone, young and old, will feel needed.  Working together creates the bond of a shared experience and provides an opportunity to live out the word of God.

How do you model your faith to your kids?